Golf clubs and golf balls....The Beach and the Ocean! Every year around the first of November I organize a golf trip with some friends. It's nothing huge...lots of golf, good food and drinks, and some late nights hanging out. Just a few guys getting together to have a little fun. The last few years we've gone to Myrtle Beach, SC. It is where we were this year too. And of course, I had to have a camera close by!!!
When I was growing up my mother would take me to Myrtle Beach every summer. That was "the summer vacation". I don't remember Myrtle Beach being so pretty. Ok, hold on. By no means is it the Caribbean but it's not so bad. Maybe I am just getting older
(keep your smart comments to yourself!!) and appreciating the small things more. Whatever it is I enjoyed my time there.
I started this off by telling you this was an annual golf trip. So here are some action shots. We named this series, "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly". I'll let you figure out what swing gets what title!
Pre-round Meal! |
Vic "Got it!" Daniel |
Derek "You see my ball?" Hall |
Brandon "I'm Feeling Good Right Now" Best |
Kyle "Follow it, Follow it" Jones |
Larry "On the Beach" Wilson |
Ron "Whack a Mole" Parson
Next year's trip is already in the works. We're taking this trip to Orlando! If you want to come along just let me know. The more the better! Sorry ladies...the golf trip is guys only.
Also, check out my website. I updated it with a few new pics. Let me know what you think about the new stuff. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.